Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fuck Buddies?

I went on a date with Mark, this guy that has asked me out a few times. I finally gave in and said yes.
We went out to eat and we saw the movie Failure to Launch (really funny by the way). The date went really good and I ended up going to his place to hang out. We had some beer and his roommates were cool, we all chatted a while. Eventually Mark took me to his room and we started making out. He is a really amazing kisser. I was really turned on and I could tell he was turned on too. His pants had a big bulge and my hands kept roaming there too. I thought he wanted to move on to more than just kissing, because his hands were going under my skirt.

Its kind of weird the way things went though. I took off my top and he kissed my chest around my bra. When I went to take it off, he was like no, but we still kept making out. His hand felt so good... you really have no idea how good. I haven't been teased like that in a long time. After driving me crazy for an eternity, I went to unbutton and unzip his pants... but he pushed my hands away and he said no. I was finally like, "what's going on?"
I was wet and ready and I could tell he was in the mood too.
He went on to explain that he didn't want to do anything, because he liked me more than that. He didn't want to just sleep with me and that's it. He saw me as someone that could be a girlfriend.
I really felt so uncomfortable.... because, I don't want a relationship. I ended up just kissing him after this. Maybe I gave him the wrong idea... I don't know. We made out and did the touchy feely high school stuff. It was fun and then I left.
The next day he called me and he asked what I was doing and invited me to come over. I went over and we ended up making out again. I had to stop it though, because my ex is already in love with me and messing with my mind... I don't need someone else to do it.
I told him I don't want a relationship, but that we could be friends and that I was open to still having fun. Then I took of my shirt and my bra. He was in shock for a second, but then I think his hormones kicked in full gear, because he was all over me. We had sex and it was crazy, because the door to his room was slightly open and all his roommates must have heard and maybe saw too (Plus when I left his roommate Sean had wicked look on his face).
I really don't know if he's okay with the friend thing, but I didn't want him to have a false hope for a relationship. Maybe he will become a regular fuck buddy.... that would be great. I'll just have to wait and see.


Blogger CB said...

Lol, sounds like he has some strange opinion about sex IMO. He likes you more than 'that' so he didn't want to have sex?

I guess in the US guys think that girls that have sex are sluts and those that hold our are angels.

I'm glad he came to his senses.

4/03/2006 7:53 AM  
Blogger CB said...

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4/03/2006 7:57 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

Jealousy? No I don't really get jealous, because everyone is simply enjoying themselves. I'm enjoying myself!

4/03/2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger Octal said...

Hey Nina, great blog. Thanks for being so honest in public.

It's a big help to us guys to read what really goes on in a girl's head, believe me.

There's so much social stigma about sex and relationships for women, that most of us just end up believing some society-approved bullshit instead, and then wonder why they can't understand the first thing about the women in their life.

Didn't you know... good girls don't enjoy sex at all, certainly never masturbate (it's SO sad), they use their sexuality to attract guys only for the purposes of securing a long-term relationship, expect to be bought expensive dinners and presents continually, only want to settle down and have babies, and have no logical capabilities whatsoever...?



5/01/2006 10:03 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

Well, I guess its safe to say that I am not one of 'those girls'. Am I?


5/01/2006 2:54 PM  

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